= config() params
Connect – Access the pklmart database
In practice, you can probably just ignore this module. pklshop includes the data from pklmart already loaded into pandas dataframes. Connect is only needed if you want to access the database directly and have permission. It is also used to update the dataframes in pklshop periodically.
config (filename='../database.ini', section='postgresql')
Reads the database.ini file and returns the connection parameters as a dictionary. Assumes the ini file is in the parent directory
You will now want to set up a database.ini
file. This will contain the sensitive information needed to connect to the databse. To avoid this information being public, be sure to add *.ini
to your .gitignore
. Once completed, it should look something like this:
where you replace the uppercase values with the appropriate information.
We can now use the config function to get the appropriate information:
We can now connect to the database using a DbConnection
DbConnection (params:dict)
Class to create a connection to the database
We can create a DbConnection
like this:
= DbConnection(params) conn
Now we want to be able to pull data from the database to use and analyze. We can do this by passing our connection and table name to the pull_data function. Look at the data notebook to see this in action