Data – Getting and processing the data

A simple package for loading and saving pklmart data

In practice, you probably just need to use:

from import *

which will load all the tables in table_names into pandas dataframes which are then usable as variables. You can probably ignore the rest of the functions here unless you want to directly access the pklmart SQL database.


These are the names of the tables that exist in the pklmart database.



 load_dfs_from_csv ()

Returns a dictionary of dataframes from the table csv files

We can load these tables into a data frame using get_tab_as_df. Note that pklshop comes with the data convienently loaded into pandas dataframes so you don’t need to use this function unless you want to connect directly to the database.



 get_tab_as_df (table_name:str)

Returns a pandas dataframe for a given table

Importing automatically calls load_dfs_from_csv for each table so the dataframes are already loaded from import. Here’s an example of creating and displaying a df from the match table.

match_id tourn_id consol_ind team_id_1 team_id_2 maint_dtm maint_app create_dtm create_app
0 M1 T1 N T1 T2 2022-04-09 03:19:33.840951+00:00 postgres 2022-04-09 03:19:33.840951+00:00 postgres
1 M2 T2 N T2 T3 2022-05-26 00:45:11.301752+00:00 postgres 2022-05-26 00:45:11.301752+00:00 postgres
2 M5 T5 N T6 T5 2022-06-28 00:40:22.948360+00:00 postgres 2022-06-28 00:40:22.948360+00:00 postgres
3 M6 T6 N T5 T7 2022-07-07 23:01:45.921540+00:00 postgres 2022-07-07 23:01:45.921540+00:00 postgres
4 M7 T7 N T8 T9 2022-07-11 02:40:50.597016+00:00 postgres 2022-07-11 02:40:50.597016+00:00 postgres



 database_tables_to_csv ()

Saves the dataframes to csv files

Again, database_tables_to_csv is only needed when the database itself is updated. You will likely not need to use this function